Hi again! Today I'm going to inform you on how to make a 'wet bag' out of a shower curtain and a zipper :). Yes, a shower curtain!
You'll Need:
- A Shower Curtain
- A Zipper
- Sewing Machine, or you can hand sew if your talented. *I'm not lol.*
In this how two I'm going to be showing you how to make this bag with two layers for double wet protection lol. So to start you will lay both curtains flat on the carpet or floor. What I did to make this easier on myself because I had kids jumping on them is if you know around how big you want your bag, cut the curtains in half or even cut that half in half and you can fold the rest up or let your kids build a fort or something out of it to keep them busy while you do this hah. So to measure how wide you'll need your bag your going to lay the zipper on the edge of your curtain. I just stacked the two pieces of shower curtain on top of each other so I would have to cut less. Then starting at one edge of the zipper, you cut down as far as you want. The farther down you cut the deeper the bag will be. Then just cut across for the bottom, and then up and finally meeting the other edge of your zipper. After you have done this you can take one of those squares of curtain and lay that on top of your uncut curtain and cut the next two piece out so they match the size and shape of the squares you just cut. When your done it should look like this:

So after you have four pieces of curtain you will take your "outside peice" or the side you want on the outside of the bag and lay it on top your inside piece. The piece that wont be shown and pin those together with bobby pins. After you have done this to both sets of squares, you'll take one pinned square and align your zipper up. This is about the hardest part of this project because shower curtains are slippery. To make sure you have your out side piece showing, your going to lay the zipper upright under the edge of your square. Then you'll slightly fold the curtain over at the top and pin that to the zipper edge. After your done pinning, you can then sew that piece onto the zipper. Once you get that side done you repeat with the other piece.

When your done it should look like this. Now that's finished fold your squares over on top of each other so the bag looks inside out." Pin the edges together and unzip the top of your bag. Don't forget to UNZIP the bag or you won't be able to turn it out right. Now you just sew these sides together. Should look like this when your done.

So now your going to reach into the zipper and pull the bottom of the bag out through the zipper turning it inside out so the pattern you wanted on the out side will now be showing. Smooth it out with your hand and that's it! Your done! These are great for wet swim suits or towels when you go to the beach. Or wet clothes and diapers from kids when your on the go. I use mine for dirty cloth diapers when I'm on the go. This whole project cost me a total of two dollars because I already had a few zippers and a sewing machine laying around. :) Good luck!

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