I'm going to start with this project because its very simple to do and fast.
You'll Need:
- Glue Gun
- Glue Sticks
- Material
- Ribbon
- Wipe Box
After this your going to get your glue gun and right above where the case shuts together, your going to spread glue along that line and press the end of your material along that line. It doesn't have to be perfectly straight or anything, you will be laying ribbon over it so no one will be able to tell when your done. You'll do this with your material on each side, slightly pulling and stretching the fabric so it obtains that flat look to it. After you finish with the glue, you can trim your excess material away from the box.
Now to add the ribbon, you lay glue along the edge of your fabric and lay the ribbon along the glue and press. Make sure if your using ribbon to scorch the edges so it doesn't fray anywhere. And your done! :)
This is the one I did for my son, those are his initials, which I just added in ribbon because I ran out of iron on's but you could use those as well. Tip: you have to iron them on BEFORE you lay the material on the wipe box or it will melt. I know that sounds obvious but you never know lol.
I hope this helps somebody. I didn't even know that people did this with my first child and once I saw one I had to have one for my son! If done right this project might cost $5-10. It didn't cost me anything because I already had a glue gun, sticks, and ribbon laying around and as I said I recycled the material. Soo good luck! Get crafty!

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