Hi again! Today's project is a SnowMan. there are several ways you could make a simple Snowman. If you are not a sewing person, I'd suggest going to a Hobby Lobby or other craft store and purchasing the different sized white Styrofoam balls and making your snow man out of that. All you'd have to do is glue those together and you'd have your basic body for your snowman. I enjoy recycling stuff instead of buying things, so in this how to I'm going to show you how to make a snow man out of a old white piece of cloth. This material could be a old blanket, shirt, scarf, etc. It doesn't matter. If you wanted you really could use any color or material for your Snowman. It's yours so you make it how you like it.
For this project you'll need:
- Glue Gun
- Glue Sticks
- White fabric or some kind.
- Pipe Cleaners
- Buttons
- Needle and Thread
- Stuffing

Once you have three circles cut out, take your bottom (biggest) circle and run the thread through it like the picture below. Once your done, it should look kinda like a lil pouch. You should be able to pull on the thread and the "bag" should scrunch up. Now your going to add the stuffing in to it. Make sure you add just enough to where it fills out but not to much that you can't close it. I also added some of my white fabric scraps to the inside of the bottom circle so it would be heavier on the bottom.

So I hope this helps anyone out there. I'll probably not post anything for the Thanksgiving Holiday because I'm going out of town so Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
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