So when I was in my junior year of High school this fad started. It was duct tape wallets. Boys all over my school went around make these wallets, which then spread to duct tape hats, ties, and finally an entire suit made of duct tape. Anyway, I never made one back then, and so I suddenly thought..ok...I'll make one. So this is how I did it.
For this Project you'll need:
- Duct Tape
- Scissors
- Velcro (Optional)
- Clear Tape (Optional)
So first you'll need duct tape. You can use regular old duct tape or if you want something more modern you can go to Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Home Depot, or another store and buy print duct tape. They come in all styles and prints. I think this one was $3.00. Ok so what I did was took my wallet to measure the length which I think came out to about 8.5 inches. I really hate measuring things, I don't know why but I usually don't do it which is why I measured my strips of tap up against my wallet and not a ruler. But you could use a ruler if you wanted. Once you have a length cut out several strips. I cut out about ten strips this length to start with.
After you have strips cut out, you are going to lay one down sticky side up, and then lay another strip on that one sticker side down. What I did was measured how thick/wide I needed my wallet to be, then laid my strips together like this until they were "thick" as my wallet. Once you have the bottom half, your going to flip the strips over, make sure there are no sticky area's exposed on the back. Then, on top of this piece, lay another strip of tape, leaving half of the sticky area hanging over. Now flip your piece back over. Ok, now your going to take another strip of tape and lay it on top of the flap of sticky tap, leaving just a little line of the sticky side of the bottom peice exposed. This is where you will fold your wallet. Once you have that line, keep added strips until you have a top and bottom half the same thickness.
After you have both sides the same size, fold them over like I have mine in the picture to your right. You can cut off any extra pieces and make sure that except for your sticky line you left, you have no other sticky spots exposed. If so, cover them with another strip. OK, so fold your wallet in half with the sticky line inside the wallet. After you'd done this, take your wallet and measure how much tape you are going to need for each side, and cut two smaller strips and fold them over each side of your wallet, taping the two sides together. This is going to be your money slot.
OK once you have both sides secured, fold
your wallet in half again. I folded mine, and folding it the other way, and then back again just to get it a crease. Now we are going to make the card slots. So you'll need to measure how big you have made the side of your wallet. Also, I kept a Sam's card next to me to make sure my slots would fit a regular sized card. You'll need to cut 6 strips the same size, then stick two together, and repeat until you have three strips of tape. Cut off any sticky edges. Now you'll lay the strips on either side of your wallet, one a little higher then the other, and once you have all three in place, cut two thin strips of tape and tape the edges of your three strips down. Make sure you don't tape them sides to close inward because your cards won't fit. Once you have this done, you can either do the same to the opposite side or you can make a ID slot like I did in mine. For this you'll need clear tape. I call it clear duct tape and my husband hates it because it's not actually duct tape. But you know what I'm talking about lol. You'll need to cut 2 pieces of this and stick them together like you did the card strips. Then leaving one side open, so you can slip a card in it, you'll place three thin strips of tape on the three edges. This will leave a opening for you to put your picture/ID in.
Once this is done, you could call it done if you wanted to. I don't like my wallets to have to closure on them so what I did to mine, is added a Velcro strap. It's really easy to do. You can buy heave strength Velcro at Walmart for like $2, and it's got 'sticky' on the back so all you have to do is peal and stick. So you'll want to cut a strip out before you peal the back off. To start, you'll cut two strips of your duct tape, and tape on end on the outside of your wallet in the middle. After this you'll cut your Velcro to fit on your flap and peal and stick the Velcro on the strip and hold down for a few seconds. It sticks really fast. Now do the same thing on the outside of your wallet. Make sure they line up before you peal/stick. If they line up fine, them go ahead and stick your Velcro to the outside of your wallet and hold again. Now you have a nifty closure for your wallet. And I was really bored when I was making this so I got out my Glitter Glue. You can also
buy this at Walmart, it comes in all colors. And I drew a little Hello Kitty on the outside of my wallet. You don't have to decorate it if you don't want, its yours. But this is what I did. Anyway, now you have a Duct Tape wallet. I think this would be really cute stocking stuffers for girls. So here is a picture of my finished project:

Feel free to post any questions, and I hope ya'll have fun making these! :)
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