Hey everyone!
This is a cloth diaper update! I've been cloth diapering for almost 4 months now and things could not be going better! I have saved a lot of money and though it's extra work, this has made it worth the effort. I started out trying to figure out how to get a prefold on my son and now I could do it at 4am while I'm half awake with no troubles and a wiggling lil boy! I'm very proud of myself. I'll actually be uploading a video of a cloth diaper review once I get our move over and settled...and I just ordered some thirsties products to try out so I'm going to be trying those out as well and seeing how I like those. I ordered two AIO's and one cover. I absolutely needed a extra diaper cover so badly. When I had started out cloth diapering I started out with just some gerber prefolds (which are NOT prefolds in my opinion) and some of those rubber gerber pants...they were pink to because I'd had them left over from my daughter and my husband was not happy with his son running around in pink rubber pants. But now I'm collecting a very nice stash of diapers. Mostly I've been using my gdiapers for day use. I really love them, however I use mine so much that the elastic on my liners tends to wear and I had to buy some new liners for them last week because my old ones had started to leak. I ended up going to a store near us called BuyBuyBaby and they sell gdiapers there, so I bought a pack which comes with three liners. Now that I have extra's I won't be using the same liners over and over again so much so hopefully these will wear less. I also have a few bum genius which are nice, the only problem I have had with these is that he moves and runs and crawls they sometimes leak out of the side so I have to adjust them around his butt a lot. I still use just a prefold and a snappy with a cover at night, and sometimes during the day is I'm in the mood for that. Once I get my thirsties in I'll blog a review on those, but I've heard a lot of great things about them.
Anyway, just wanted to do a update on those. I'm proud of myself for staying with the cloth for this long. =)
Monday, January 31, 2011
My Cloth Diaper Update!
Posted by Robin at 12:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cloth Diapers, Diapers
Monday, January 17, 2011
Hey everybody!
Sorry I haven't been posting How To's. I've been really REALLY busy. This post is just an update on whats going on with me!! =) So we are moving by the end of January. My husband and I are trying to buy a house, so we have been looking at all kinds of different places, houses, trying to find one. It's kinda getting down to the dead line because this month is almost half over and we still haven't decided for sure on a place so I'm kinda stressed out. We are trying to find a place with three bedrooms and two baths. We have a couple places in mind. For the moment until the kids get bigger, we'll probably have the kids share a room, because my son still sleeps in his crib in our room. But having an extra bedroom will be better when they get older and need their own rooms. Our experience in our current Apartment has been horrible! I've never had such a bad time in an apartment and while I've been married we have lived in three apartments so far and the other two were really great and we had no trouble with them and this one has been horrible. I am sooooo ready to get OUT!
Anyway, on top of packing, moving, etc. we have my daughters birthday coming up next month. She'll be 4! I can't believe my baby is already four.... so I've been planning for that. She decided to have a Hello Kitty birthday (no I didn't convince her to do this). I think she is going through a stage where she has decided to like everything I like. She recently has gotten into Harry Potter, watching the movies, reading the books, etc. I've been reading her the tales of the beadle and the barb. So I might move on to reading her the first book. I gotta wait until we move though because they are already packed lol. She's also started really loving Hello Kitty, I think because she knows I like it. And I've been collecting again. I had stopped collecting HK like I use to when I had my son because of having a new baby, and getting the hang of having two little ones. Now that I've started up again Madi has started to pay more attention to HK which I think is cute. One day she'll go through her teen years and hate everything I like haha, I hope not but we'll see.
I started a youtube channel. ::Click Here:: I've been posting all kinds of videos on there. My next video will probably be a Cloth Diaper Review video. Because of moving and getting our internet switched over, etc. I may not be on for a little bit when we move.
So that's my update. Once I get everything settled I'll start doing more How To's again. TTFN! =)
Posted by Robin at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Just a Random update about Random Stuffs!
Hey everybody! So I haven't had time really to do a lot of crafts because we are in a process of preparing for 1. A Move and 2. My daughters birthday, plus Christmas, etc. that has just past and it's just been crazy here. So anyway, I probably won't be uploading a huge amount of How To posts until after we move. I'm thinking of posting my first online video and I'm debating over the subject matter. This might sound kinda crazy but a few of my friends have told me I should do a "My Handbag Collection" video because I have a lot of them. So I'm thinking of doing that now that I have a youtube channel. Soooo I may do that. I'll probably end up doing that when my hubby is NOT around because he would find that just tooo funny LOL. Anyway, so I might do that maybe tomorrow morning because that is usually my most peaceful time in my house...the kids are usually in a good mood because they have just woke up, etc. Anyway, so just wanted to do a lil post.
<3 Robin
Posted by Robin at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 3, 2011
How To: Make a Magazine Box
Hey everybody! I don't know if anyone else has magazine's in their bathrooms, but I do and I was in there yesterday while giving the kid's their bath and was looking at all my magazine's I don't read anymore...and was wondering what I could do with them other then just tossing them. So I looked up idea's and here is one of my favorites, because I can always use space...so here is my How To on how to use your old magazine's to make a magazine box.
Here is what you'll need:
Clear Tape
Magazine Pages
Colored Duct Tape (Optional)
Some sort of cardboard
I made my box out of a Pregnancy magazine which I have had since I was pregnant with my daughter. This particular magazine was one I didn't want to toss because I remember reading it a lot during my pregnancy because it had a lot of great articles, and it's just a fond memory. I know, probably kinda dumb but it always make's me think of that time when I see it. So I used that and figured this would be a nice solution because it was getting really worn just sitting in the magazine rack in the bathroom. You can use any type of magazine you want though. Your going to start by ripping out a lot of pages. I tried to pick ones with bright color's on them, you could choose only black and white or two different colors. It's your choice, your box!

After pulling out your pages, your going to fold them long way to about the size shown in the picture above. You'll need a BUNCH of these. You'll also need to take your cardboard and cut out four sides and one bottom so you know how big to weave them together. I used the cover of a composition book I was about to toss and it worked great, so you can use any type of hard material for your box.

To the right are mine after being weaved together. You want to weave enough together to fit around your peices of cardboard. After you have enough together, and the right size you'll lay down your card board and tape the weave around it. I also might need to add that I used scotch tape to kind of secure the magazine for the moment while I was weaving. It keeps it in place and lets you manage it easier, plus it's clear so it doesn't effect how it looks after your done.

Place your board in the middle and fold the sides of your weave and tape them down. You can weave enough strips together to cover what will be the inside of your box, or you can leave it plain it's up to you. I made my strips long enough to cover both the inside and outside of the walls of my box.

I added some pink duct tape all the bottom and top brim of my box, along with a Hello Kitty head that I had cut out of a party hat I had just to add some decoration to the box, but you don't have to if you don't want to. You could leave it place, or add some type of your own decoration. The entire box took me about 45 minutes to complete.

Here's a top view of my box. I hope you have fun making this project!!
Posted by Robin at 2:12 PM 0 comments